You are on IK4OMU‘s web site
My name is Maurizio and these pages are dedicated to my main hobby: the amateur radio.
Who are the amateur radio operators? They are not professional people that, authorized from the government bureau, are actively interested to the world of the radio communications, enjoy with transceivers and provided antennas and instrumentations, sometimes made with the own hands, that allow they to grow-up the interest for the experimentation of new technologies or, more simply, to communicate with other amateur radio operators around the world. If you want to know more on what amateur radio operators do and how to become one of them, click here.
My QTH is Cesena, QTH Locator JN64CD
The province is Forlì-Cesena and its abbreviation is FC.
The town of Cesena counts approximately 97,000 inhabitants, it is 44 meters above sea level and its territory occupies a large area, from the first hills of the river Savio Valley to the edge of the Adriatic Coast. Cesena has umbro-etruscan origins and knew a moment of prosperity at the times of the Malatesta family (1378-1465), who gave to the town centre the present shape and the superb Library. The other monument which are well worth visiting are the benedectine Abbey of Monte and the Malatesta Fortress, while the historical center, always lively with its several shops, becomes more and more animated for the Feast of St John (24th of June), which is the greatest event of the town. The economy of Cesena has been always linked to agricolture and has today a great propension to innovation, while the well-known gastronomy is the last, but not least, of the trademarks of this part of Romagna. Clicking here you will get more information about my town.
That one to side is my QSL card
What is a QSL? It is consuetude between the amateur radio operators that every contact between them, at least the first time in absolute, is confirmed with a QSL. It is a personalized postcard with the own callsign, assigned from government bureau, and data as confirmation of the happened contact. The shipment of the QSL can happen through the ordinary mail or through the several associations of amateur radio operators which are in almost country of the world; all these works also in the opposite direction, when QSL must be received. Usually an amateur radio operator who carries out many contacts with other amateur radio operators hold a great number of QSL.